Who is C. M. Forest?

Who is C. M. Forest? Good question. I’m not entirely sure yet myself. I’ve always been keen to write in other genres besides horror (as is evidenced through my bibliography), and as such, have begun to notice that there is a growing misunderstanding from readers as to what to expect from me. If you pick up a story or book by Christian Laforet, it could be anything from horror to literary fiction. It’s like a spin of the genre wheel. Because of this, I’ve decided to start using pen names for my various genre specific projects.

The first fictional fellow to be birthed into the world is the horror writer, C. M. Forest. This nom de plume is not as far from my actual name as it might at first seem. My first two initials are indeed C and M and my last name, Laforet, when translated from French to English, means The Forest. Creative, I know.

I’m not really sure how this whole thing will work out, but it feels right, so I’m jumping in. The first story under the C. M. Forest name can be found in the upcoming anthology, The Darkness Between by Collective Tales Publishing.

Until next time, stay safe and keep reading,

Christian (C. M. Forest)

6 thoughts on “Who is C. M. Forest?

  1. Pingback: First Draft of Snow from a Distant Sky – Ben Van Dongen

  2. Pingback: The Folly of Predictions – Ben Van Dongen

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